Posts Tagged ‘communication’

A Society Built on Fads and Shortcuts Will Never Value Longevity

I am a big fan of social media. Without it, I’d have missed out on many transformative relationships, experiences, and opportunities throughout my life. I’m sure many of you can relate. But since nothing is perfect, there are parts of social media and the general direction of modern society that makes me cringe just a…

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If We Want to Build Real Connections, We Have to Express Real Thoughts

I’m going to be a bad millennial by writing this article, but I’m pretty good at being a bad millennial, so I’m cool with it. For the record, if you’re under 35, you’re still classified as a millennial. Sorry, 34 year olds. This is something I’ve been thinking about for awhile now though, and I…

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Using This One Word Will Make Men Respond Better To You

I admit that when I talk about dating, relationships, and ‘courtship’ in the modern day sense, my articles are a little biased. Meaning, since I write from my own perspective, I often don’t take into consideration the fact that each of us grows up differently in unique environments and is exposed to different types of…

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5 Signs She Doesn’t Want To Be Approached

I can’t tell you how many times I have seen or heard about women who are completely annoyed by men who have approached them in public when they were giving ‘clear signs’ that they wanted to be left alone. Let me start by saying that as a man, I understand the frustration of getting an…

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8 Things You Think Your Girlfriend Likes (But She Probably Hates)

My bet is that more than one man reading this can relate to a scenario where he did everything he thought was ‘right’ to get or keep a woman’s attention, but ultimately he ended up frustrated and confused after pushing her away. While, needless to say, every man and woman in the world is different,…

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How Poor Communication Leads To Unhappy Relationships

My belief is that many relationship issues or breakups are often caused by either lack of communication, or doing it ineffectively. Men and women communicate differently, and we are not often taught how the opposite sex communicates with us, nor are we taught how to better communicate with them. This, as one can imagine, is…

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Drawing The Line: When Is Harassment Actually Harassment?

I’m sure many of you have seen this interesting video, as it has generated over five million YouTube views in a single day and is climbing fast. Before I get into the topic at hand, I have made it very clear in past aticles that I am against street harassment and men really need to pull…

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Why We Need To Keep Chivalry Alive

Look, I know we are not in medieval times. People hear the word ‘chivalry’ and ask me if I want to bring back every chivalric code of battle and weaponry and somehow revert the rest of our societal constructs back to the theocratic dark ages. Well, it would be cool to be knighted… But besides…

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Here’s What Nobody Tells You About Meeting Women

As men in the 21st century, the vast amount of ‘advice’ permeating the interwebs regarding the subject of meeting women is often littered with Pickup-Artistry and similar methods that claim if you just pay the few thousand dollars to spend the weekend with the masters, you will be able to walk into any bar, and…

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The Real Reason Women Are Becoming More Unapproachable

There is sort of an unspoken secret among all men that we are all aware of, and have always been aware of since the moment we became old enough to recognize our interest in women. It is something that is not frequently spoken about and therefore women do not usually have the same innate understanding…

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