Your Biggest Strength: Belief in Yourself


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Each of us is unique. We all have different personalities, skill sets, interests, passions, and views on the world.


Despite our differences, though, I think one of the few things that each and every single one of us has in common, is at some point(s) in our lives, we run into a situation that makes us say “I don’t know if I can handle this.”

It could be a grueling work or educational program, a serious health issue, the loss of a loved one, or totaling the new car you just bought. It could be anything, but many of us think to ourselves, I have no idea how I’m going to get through this.

What you need to realize is: You can.

Look into your past, have you ever had one of these situations? If you have and you’re reading this right now – you handled it. You got through it, and you should give yourself a pat on the back.

You may be changed. You may be stronger. You may see yourself or the world differently than you did back then – but that’s how we learn and grow to become the people that we are today.

This is perhaps the only universal consolation I know for people who are going through temporary hardships, no matter how difficult – they are temporary.


There is a day that you will look back and know that “I can’t handle it” is an empty statement your mind constructed out of stress. That day might be yesterday, today, or ten years from now, but it will come.

And when it does, use it as a reminder that you can handle anything.

The past is simply a thought arising in the present, it does not physically exist. The future is yet another thought arising. The only reality we truly know, is now. And that means, now is the time you’ve got to worry about. Now is what we have.

Take your life and problems a day at a time. Don’t be overwhelmed by what hasn’t arrived yet, or burdened by what no longer exists.

Live for today.


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  1. […] Source: Your Biggest Strength: Belief in Yourself […]

  2. Tess on February 8, 2016 at 1:41 pm

    Thank you so much for posting this, reading this post is perfect timing to how I’m feeling. I enjoy reading all of your articles, they inspire me in every way.

  3. karynloui on February 8, 2016 at 5:13 pm

    Picture this; I am a mature age student and have burnout after, what was for me, a very big assignment from a major subject. I have less than a month before exams and I am 2 weeks behind, full time work, family and full time Uni. Last night I found myself sitting on the bathroom floor so scared that I wont be able to do it. I woke this morning still on the floor, reached for my phone to check the time and found this email. The universe always provides. I have no idea who you are. You live in a different country. But right now, despite all those variables, you were the perfect person, at the perfect time,with the perfect words. I just wanted to say thanks. I hope one day I can do the same for someone.

  4. Ash on February 8, 2016 at 8:55 pm

    Very much in line with my mentality. Good work, James.

  5. rlcarterrn on February 9, 2016 at 5:28 pm

    Great post! This past weekend I started watching a Korean drama on Netflix, & one of the recurring lines is “Not only happiness but also sadness passes away.” The translation might not be the best, but the theme that even the hard times are temporary is certainly worth noting.

  6. […] Source: Your Biggest Strength: Belief in Yourself […]

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